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Looking for a parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:00 am
by Shawn
I have convinced my wife we need a parrot and I have shown her pictures of my birds when I had them and she kind of liked Cody,my
Black Headed Caique,so at tax time I will be on the hunt for one or a pair of them. I have wanted one since I was forced to sell him.
I regret it now and have for while. Here's a picture of Cody. She also liked the Sun Conures but I want a Caique instead.


Re: Looking for a parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:01 am
by johnwillard
I love parrots specially talking parrot who repeats the sentences after us.This parrot or Cody looks very colorful and pretty.

Re: Looking for a parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:47 am
by soloist
Parrots are fun when properly trained and are comfortable in
the atmosphere that their in, but until then, they can b-
e quite loud and noisy... but it also depends on the
breed as well. That one looks quite interesting.
Parrots require some degree of maintenan-
ce and may want to leave their cage t-
o stretch their wings a bit... but a-
gain, it depends on the breed.
I know it's been a while sin-
ce I posted here, so did
you get one at all by
now? Would it ge-
t along with y-
our other


Re: Looking for a parrot

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:37 am
by Shawn
i haven't gotten one yet and if I do get one,I will want the same one posted above,a black head caique.He was such a sweet bird and loved coming out of his cage. He used to sit with me at the computer and run back and forth on my shoulders,preen my hair when it was long and play around on the desk eating treats. I had to sell all my parrots when me and my ex split and he was one I had to let go. The person I sold him to said he had a stroke and passed not long after she took him home. We both think it was separation anxiety.She said he was not the same when she got him home and regretted not getting a hold of me to return him. Me and him had a tight bond and I miss him. Put of all the parrots I had,he was the only one I could hold without being attacked. My ex had no problem with holding them,they must of liked females,and some parrots are like that.They take to either a woman or man or even just 1 person. Cody was mine and he let others hold him but if I was in the room,he flew to me.
I have a picture somewhere where my son had him on his shoulder when my son was I think 3 years old. he never tried to attack or bite anyone.He was always a gentle parrot. I'd probably have to drive out of state or several miles in state to find another and I wouldn't hesitate to do so if I had the money to do it. I had a Quaker parrot after me and my ex split but it had problems and I returned him to the pet store if I remember right.
We do have a cockatiel but she is not tame and never has been.She is in a huge cage,one I could put my and step daughter in and they'd have room to stand up in.I have several toys in there and she has more then enough room to spread her wings out.
I think the cage was more for a Macaw then a cockatiel but since she is aggressive,I figured the bigger cage would be better for her so she has room to walk around in and flap her wings without hitting anything and getting hurt.

Re: Looking for a parrot

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:44 am
by soloist
I'm sorry to hear of what happened to your previous parrot, especially considering
the close bond that you both had. And yes, I'm sure it's death was due to missi-
ng you since you both shared a close relationship. I find it amazing when we
can develop such relationships with animals because it keeps them happy
and that makes us happy and at peace as well. I shared such a bond wi-
th my last dog Peppy long ago. I hope that the next parrot that you t-
ake into your home is just as good of a bird as your previous one, b-
ecause no two animals are alike (just like in the case of people).
I can relate because the cat we have now (which my sister na-
med Harry Potter) is one of a kind and is unlike any pet we
have had. He can only be petted once or twice. After th-
at, he bites (laughs). It's done in a playful manner, bu-
t seeing him enact this "rule" is quite humorous (lau-
ghs). It's always a good sign when our pets take a
liking to our children too or younger siblings. I-
t shows that they respect them just as they
do ourselves and that they see how impo-
rtant these people are to us, so they'll
try to be tolerant of them within re-
ason of course. The large cage is
a welcome addition because t-
he extra space helps to kee-
p them from feeling too
confined and trapped
even. I think I coul-
d use some of th-
at space in m-
y room rig-
ht now.


(maybe she'll become tame in time...)
